
A Temporary Shift


A month ago, many things about our daily lives started to change. Social distancing, pandemic, and quarantine, terms that seemed foreign before quickly became our new normal. Like most of you, at The Well, we had to reassess our plans and pivot in a new direction. Gatherings, classes, and events had to be canceled or postponed, and we set out to assess the new needs arising and how we were best positioned to continue serving our neighbors. 

At The Well we often say, “people need people more than they need things.” We believe in relationships and doing life together. Our mission is built on the philosophy of development -- a long-term approach that empowers others to take agency in their own lives as image bearers of Christ. We seek to do this journey of restoration with people rather than for people. 

However, the current situation we face with COVID-19 requires us to temporarily shift our approach to relief -- short-term intervention to do for others what they are unable to do for themselves. Relief is particularly important in situations of crisis such as a pandemic. Relief eases the immediate pain in a difficult situation but does not necessarily prioritize long-term life restoration. 

Many of the friends we are in relationship with are experiencing significant stress from the circumstances caused by this pandemic -- single moms who have been laid off or lost work hours, foster families who are continuing to stand on the front lines with children who have experienced trauma, and individuals who already have underlying health conditions. Unfortunately, the most vulnerable in our communities are most often the hardest hit during times of crisis. We want to continue to communicate to our friends that they are valuable and are not alone. For now we will show up for our friends through relief efforts and continue to build relationships with one another so we can walk the road of rebuilding together after this crisis. 

We are so grateful for all who have so generously donated groceries, household items, and money to help provide for our neighbors during this unprecedented time. We all need each other, maybe now more than ever. We are grateful for the honor of getting to show up for our neighbors, especially in the hard times. 

Tara Stone